Land Platforms
We specialise in extending the life of military gas turbine engines.
With the largest MRO capability in Australia, we are the only Australian-owned military gas turbine engine MRO provider. Among our work with Defence, we hold responsibility for the Honeywell AGT1500 automotive gas turbine engine in the Australian Army’s M1A1 Abrams tank.
To ensure your on-time performance is the best it can be, we deliver an end-to-end engineering, repair and manufacturing capability that is second to none in our region.
Learn more about our one-stop overhaul and repair services for fast tank gas turbine engines.

MRO and test capabilities for fast tank gas turbine engines.
Honeywell AGT1500
We’ve delivered turn-key solutions for the AGT1500 engines of the Australian Army’s Main Battle Tank since 2014.
Engine Component Repair
An extensive repair capability for almost any aerospace engine component.
Specialised Engineering
Design engineering, performance and reliability programs, and engine asset management solutions delivered by our experienced propulsion engineering team.

Health & Usage Monitoring
Engine Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) to extend the life and improve the performance of AGT1500 engines.